How to Fix Disapproved Google Ads in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Fix Disapproved Google Ads in 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

dmtepvtltd July 19, 2024 0 Comments

If you have ever had your Google Ads disapproved, you know it can be really annoying. But don’t worry, this guide will help you fix them. We will keep it simple and easy to understand.

Why Google Ads Get Disapproved

disapproved google ads

Before we dive into fixing the ads, it’s important to know why Google disapproves ads in the first place. Here are some common reasons:

  • The ad content goes against Google’s policies.
  • The ad promotes products that are restricted or not allowed.
  • There is misleading information in the ad.
  • The landing page (the page the ad links to) has problems.

The Appeal Button Doesn’t Always Work

When your ad gets disapproved, you might see a big “Appeal” button. This button is supposed to help you fix the ad. However, it often doesn’t work. Why? Because when you click it, Google’s system (which is a machine) reviews the ad again. If the machine made a mistake the first time, it might make the same mistake again.

Talk to a Real Person at Google

The best way to fix your ad is to talk to a real person at Google. Here’s how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Find the Disapproved Ad

  1. Open your Google Ads account.
  2. Find the ad that got disapproved.

Step 2: Contact Google Support

  1. Click on the “Help” button.
  2. Choose the option to “Contact Us.”
  3. Type in “Request ad review” and select the option.

Step 3: Choose How to Contact Google

  1. You can choose to call, chat, or email.
  2. Calling or chatting can take a long time, so email is usually the best option.
  3. If you choose email, Google promises to reply within 48 hours.

Step 4: Fill Out the Form

  1. Fill out the form with your ad details.
  2. There is a section where you can explain the problem.

Use a Simple Template to Explain Your Problem

To make things easier, here is a simple template you can use. Just fill in the blanks with your information.

Subject: Request for Manual Review of Disapproved Ad

Hello Google Support Team,

My ad with the policy name [Policy Name] was disapproved. I believe this is a mistake because [explain why you think the ad is okay]. Here is the link to the policy page: [Policy Page Link].

I have read the policy and I am sure that my ad follows all the rules. Please manually review my ad and let me know if you need more information.

Thank you,
[Your Name]

Example of a Filled Template

Here’s an example of how you might fill out the template:

Subject: Request for Manual Review of Disapproved Ad

Hello Google Support Team,

My ad with the policy name “Prescription Drugs” was disapproved. I believe this is a mistake because we do not sell any prescription drugs. We only sell health supplements that do not require a prescription. Here is the link to the policy page: [Policy Page Link].

I have read the policy and I am sure that my ad follows all the rules. Please manually review my ad and let me know if you need more information.

Thank you,
[Your Name]


  1. Read the Policy
    Make sure you read the Google Ads policy page to understand why your ad was disapproved. This will help you explain your case better.
  2. Be Clear and Polite
    When you contact Google, be clear and polite. Explain your problem and ask for a manual review.
  3. Build a Relationship with Google Reps
    If you often have ad problems, it might help to build a good relationship with a Google representative. They can help you fix issues faster.
  4. Be Patient
    Sometimes, fixing a disapproved ad can take time. Be patient and keep following up if needed.

Now that you know how to fix your disapproved ads, you can get back to running your campaigns. By following these steps, you should be able to get your Google Ads approved. Remember, the key is to explain your situation clearly and ask for a manual review. Good luck and happy advertising!

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